Student’s Enrollment Position (Class-Wise)

Class-wise Enrolment Details as on: 20-08-2019
Name of the School:- Swami Gurucharan Dass Sanatan Dharam Sr. Sec. School Kalanaur

Name of the Principal: Mrs. Sonia Dhingra           

Contact No.  9812568344

Email: [email protected]


Enrollment of the students

Sr. No. Class Sections No. of Students
1. Ist 1 42
2. 2nd 1 35
3. 3rd 1 31
4. 4th 1 36
5. 5th 1 40
6. 6th 1 40
7. 7th 1 37
8. 8th 2 59
9. 9th 1 37
10. 10th 1 44
11. 11th 1 35
12. 12th 1 32
                     Total 468